Sunday, February 04, 2007

Train of thought

Thanks to Daniel for helping to resurrect the blog. ^_^

Have you all ever experienced it? When you try to pray or you try to worship, and suddenly, a word or phrase or idea that is related strikes you, and you just follow that thread of thought. It may not be bad persay. It could even be about a biblical idea or something. But it takes your mind away from prayer or worship. If it is still in the mindset of talking to God or something like that, I guess it is still okay to deviate from the original theme. But if it goes into "daydreaming" mode, or thinking to yourself, then I that is bad...

I find it a difficult problem to solve sometimes. Maybe it is because there is always quite alot of things going on between my ears, and I can't even catch up with myself sometimes. I can't catch myself fast enough. It is quite irritating in fact, because I know I am not supposed to be doing it, and I don't want to do it, but it happens.

One thing that helped me is kneeling to pray. But I guess it is an external change only. It is trying to deal with the problem. But it does not deal with the cause of the problem. Kneeling does makes me concentrate much better. But that can only feasibily be done once a day. Doesn't help when I want to talk to God on the way while walking home or times like that. God often gets left alone while I talk to myself.

One other thing. I don't want to go through the turbulances. I know that it is God's way of changing a person's character. And I want to be pleasing to God. But I don't like to be shaken.

Thats all for now.
Peace to you.


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