Tuesday, November 28, 2006



Here's an update. I have finished my first paper and submitted my 5,000-word essay. I suppose it's pointless to think further about these. Think I did okay, though.

I got some experimental results from my colleague today, and I think it's worth putting here (though it's prob a little too technical)!

It doesn't look like much, but it is the culmination of 15 months of hard work! Usually, the peak moves around like crazy when I excite it with different wavelengths. This one stays put, and that's the ultimate aim in quantum dot synthesis! Whoopie!


Monday, November 27, 2006

Mind, Heart, Will

We all know the role of the Will in a Christian's life.

But what about the Mind and the Heart? How much of Christianity is Experiencial (Dominantly Heart) and how much of it is objective (Dominantly Mind)? Is one more important than the other? Are they equally important? If so, why?

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Have you ever watched those war movies, when the planes start to raid a place? The sound will slowly increase in volume until they are overhead. Then the bombs will land.... :D

Okay that was an unnecessary introduction. But here's a bomb to you anyway. Haha.

For Masterlife next week, be prepared to conduct the session. I will be largely silent (I will try very hard), and all of you (i.e. the cell members) will take a day each to discuss. As for which day you will discuss, well we'll decide on Sunday. So you better be ready to discuss EVERY DAY (you can be sure that I will not let you choose.. muahahahaha!)! And you have 2 reasons to do very well indeed: 1.) To honor God; and 2.) Sharon's friend Melissa will quite likely be joining us. Put up your best performance ah!!


P.S. Performance is not equal to pretend, in case you are wondering!! :P

Jia You!!

Just like to shout out to all those having exams/tests/deadlines.. Hang in there! Don't worry, the Lord is in control (if you let him)! It'll be over before you know it and know that we'll be keeping you all in prayer.

Oh yah.. Cyrus.. are you gonna drop the bomb soon?

My Maiden Post!

After many many months of expectation.... here comes *drum roll...* My Maiden Post!!!

*Cue Applause, Whistles, Screams, and so on*

Hehe... Well actually this is not a full post, but more like a trailer. This is because:

I am having exams now... Gah~!

My papers are on Monday (Biomolecular Revolution; Open-book examination; Difficulty rating 6/10; 1pm paper) and Wednesday (Principles of Tissue Engineerin; Closed-book examination; Difficulty rating 8.5/10; 9am paper). So I will welcome all prayers! Whee~

I also have the following things due really soon:
i) Negotiating Moral Issues 5,000-word essay (almost done, just giving it finishing touches now, due on Monday); and
ii) Nonlinear Photonics Experiments on Water-Soluble Zinc Sulfide Nanocrystals project report (not really done yet, due on Friday).

So you can see (you can, can't you?!) that I have been very, (very)^n, very busy, where n approaches infinity.

Nonetheless, I put forth 2 things for your consideration, and please think about it before I put up my next post mid-week.

1.) What is the meaning of lukewarm in the book of Revelation?

2.) What is the meaning of Baptism? How many types of Baptism are there?

Well, even if you know the answer, it's good to think about it further. As Zhuang Mao and Melanie will know, this is how my posts in my cell blog(s) usually go. :)

Well, time to sleep. Got a long day ahead!


Saturday, November 25, 2006


Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Rev 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with Me.

Mat 23:15 ...You travel over land and sea to win one follower...

Quite commonly, we use the first quote to talk about the importance of the Bible, the second to talk to people about accepting Christ, and the third when sending missionaries to other countries (as a compliment). Nice verses for the situation.

Now, the Bible is very important, Christ is knocking at the door of people's hearts, and going to the ends of the earth to preach the gospel is excellent. But these would make the quotes utterly out of context. The "Word" in John 1:1 is talking about Jesus, not the Bible. Jesus was talking to a lukewarm church in Revalation. Jesus was scolding the Pharisees for being hypocrites and show offs in Matthew. If we look into the context, then the use of these verses are totally off tangent.

What then do we say? These verses are very nice to talk about these points. But maybe we had been a little too careless in the way we use scripture (I confess to that). We cannot bend scripture to say what we want it to say, even if what we want to say is true. We must use it as it is. There must be a more reverent way of using scripture. As Cyrus had so often pointed out, the Devil uses scripture in this way too.

Please remind me if I use scripture in ways that they were not meant to be used. Thanks in advance.

Peace be with you.

Friday, November 24, 2006

hey hey!

i am back in brisbane. (HUH? thought u re already in brisbane?)

hee hee well for those who didnt know. i was in greece w my family for 1 1/2 weeks.

And boy am i scared of planes!
took a total of 7 flights *puke* on my last flight i really felt like puking! no kidding!`

Thank God for his protection over me and my family during the trip.
Was a good time of catching up and spendign time w my family. ESP Matthew!
Will post pics on my blog.... soon ha ha (i always say that)

Ok i am back in brissy, Started summer sch and i got a test next week! Maddness. but that's summer sch. everything cramp in 3 months instead of 6 months.

Sorry that i didnt get to meet up w you guys when i was back. i got u guys some gummies. passed them to Gail to pass to vyn to share w u guys. hmmm hope u guys got it. i ll be back for christmas. so see you guys then!

i miss home. i miss COSB. i miss you all!

Hey algene, i feel you man. i am quite kan jiong abt my exam results too. sigh. but God's in control!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bible Trail 2006

Bible Trail by Singapore Youth for Christ. Teaches you how to evangelise.


Just some advertistment. You all may be a little old for this :P, but maybe the Leader's Trail. You can either sign up with me or on the Webbie.

Peace be with you.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Having the occassional blues today even though I have the day off... I guess I have been too busy to really have time to sit down and reflect on my inner thoughts.

Well, I have been working since school holidays began about 2 weeks ago, and life as a waiter was much tougher than I thought! I work after everybody ends work, and go home after everybody else was sleeping... and I go home exhausted... oh well, its F&B mah... But one thing I must say is, because of this job, I learnt how to become a better usher in church! So I can't help but think that God had a hand in this, a divine intervention of some sort... unfathomable by many, but I know that God is with me all the way... maybe he thinks that I can be a much better usher... so I never complained and faced every customer with a wiiidddeeeeee smile even when I'm completely drained... I used to think that being an usher is simple & not requiring any skills whatsoever, but now I know... and to whoever who thinks this way, I suggest that you try being an usher for one day and get exposed to all the different situations that might occur... then maybe you will change your mind.. it realli ain't easy being an usher ya know...

That being said, It's also tough to balance work, schoolwork, floorball, church and my girlfriend. Work being my job now... and though classes have ended, I'm still worrying about my results (it'll be out on Dec 19 by the way)... I've still got to attend floorball trainings... and I also have to be a cell member, which in itself, encompasses many roles such as a mentor, a friend, a guide.... and last but DEFINITELY not least, is my girlfriend Tee Liwen (I love you! hehe) because I know that I have to take care of her and to lead her... But now, the more pressing issue to me is church, I feel that a lot more can be done to improve things but of course, it'll will take time & effort... but if SeTT can improve, then all the hardwork is worthwhile! The most common 'thing' I have faced in SeTT is the term called 'rejection'... and I must say that it has toughened me for challenges in the future!

'When we treat man as he is, we make him worse than he is: When we treat him as if he already were what he potentially could be, we make him what he should be..." Johann Wolfgang van Goethe

After all that's being said, I still love my life now! I'm facing issues that are preparing me for bigger things in life in the future, and I know my God is watching over me, I don't exactly know where he is, but I know when I need him, he will be there for me, because he loves me...

Sorry for the rambling.. this entry does not have a main focus, a theme or whatsoever. I just felt like writing down some thoughts. It's pretty therapeutic I must say!!

Enjoy this beautiful day my friends!!

Monday, November 20, 2006


Well, its official. I probably will be staying in Singapore for the next 2 weeks at least. There was meant to be a trip to China (Some fellow named Stanley Ho was rich enough to sponsor some Singaporean students to visit Xi Chang to learn about Astrology. I was one of those sent from NJ). It was meant to be on the 22 Nov - 29 Nov. But they decided to change the date because Beijing (being extremely versatile and creative) decided to close the satellite launch pad at this point in time. So the Xichang Winter Camp is postponed to a later date (which clashes with other stuff). So, here I am. You have to bear with me for a while more. But the other trip (which clashes with youth camp) is still on ;)

To Cyrus and Sharon: Hang in there. The Lord be with you.

To Li chang: Welcome, welcome.

To Algene: Thank you for all the nice little pictures!!

To People in Transit: Peace to you.

Greet all Readers. Grace be to you.

My V.V.V.V.I.P...

Someone very close to my heart! I don't mind letting you all know... if you don't already know!

We are going on strong and we will only grow even stronger each day... God bless us always...

This is gonna be funny!!...

1st of all, SORRY matz!! but you look really funny!! Don't be angry ok????... I'll buy you lunch??? =) THIS IS STRICTLY JUST FOR LAUGHS!!

*Eheerrrmmm!!...* Does anyone of you know that there are stages in falling asleep????... welll, now I'm going to narrate & take you all through the process of falling asleep!!!

<-- Fighting hard to stay awake, so there's still energy to smile...
<-- As the Zzz-monster kicks in, the drowsiness also kicked in... also slowly entering the stoning stage, other symptoms could be that the person will be day-dreaming...
<-- This the stage whereby one will tell himself/herself that he/she will just close the eyes for a few minutes and hope no one notices...
<-- Slowly losing the fight to stay awake.... at this point of time, the person will lose track of time....
<-- And VIOLA.... totally asleep and oblivious to the surrounding happenings...

Thank you folks!!!! =p

More photos!!

Here's an assortment of randomly taken photos from church!! Enjoy!!!

This is our breakfast team who worked hard every sunday morning so that we can have our cheap & good breakfast! Thank them if you have the chance!

ASHER!! hahahahaha.. Oh well... he's really cute right?!..

<-- Matilda & Uncle Mark hard at work!

<-- Lichang!! Good to have you back!! Look at the widddeeee smile from Cyrus... and he's not the only person who smiled like that! We're all glad that Lichang's back with us!

Seems like Weiwei had a busy time... =p

<-- Oh well.... Weiwei again... hahaha

<-- Weiwei... again... hahahhahahahah

And so the story goes on..........

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Woo hoo! Menu for tomorrow morn..

Courtesy of the breakfast lady (a.k.a. e.reen) at TeamTim... Let's show our support!

Monday, November 13, 2006


Lets try putting what I had learnt into words

Before we can talk about anything, we must first settle the issue of who we think is Israel. Is it the literal Israel, the Jews? Or are we the New Israel? Different interpretations will give you different conclusions. Pastor Mark’s personal view is that it is the literal Israel, because it cannot be that God had forgotten Israel (hope I got this right).

Other than Revelations, we need to look at 2 other places in the Bible to learn about the end times. The first is Daniel. The second is Matthew 24.

In Matthew 24, we see that Christ talks about the coming of the anti Christ. Then, the moon will be darkened etc. However, this is slightly different from the picture in Revelation. In Revelation, in between this 2 things are the woes and 7 seals, and 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls.

The rough sequence is this: There will be 7 years of tribulation. In the first 3.5 years, the anti Christ will make a pact with Israel (however you interpret it), and things will seem fine. However, after the 3.5 years, he will break the agreement and all hell will break loose for the next 3.5 years. God’s wrath will be poured out on the earth. Then 75 Days (sorry, I didn’t catch what this was about), then the 1000 years of Christ’s rule, then Satan will be loosed, then the final judgment will come.

There are 3 different opinions on Christ’s 1000 years rule.

The first is the pre-millennial view. These people say that the time has not come. Christ will come at the end of the tribulations and rule for 1000 years.

The second is the post Millennial View. These people say that Christ will return at the end of the 1000 years. We are bringing in the Kingdom now by sharing the gospel etc.

The third is the amillennial view. These people spiritualized it, and say that Christ rules in us now. It is that which we are talking about when we say that Christ rules. Our Church’s stand is more on the pre-millennial view.

For the Post Millennial and ammillennial view, there are some believes. They believe that the tribulation is already over. That is, the persecution that the early church undergoes might be it. Another interpretation is the event that happened in 70AD. Apparently, there was this Roman King (Name starts with E) who totally defiled the temple. He came, took a pig and slaughtered it on the alter. So, some say that he is the anti Christ himself (that is, the beast).

Then, within the Pre-Millennial View, there are also differences in opinions.

Before this 1000 years there will be the 7 years of tribulation. Somewhere in these 7 years, there will be a rapture. Everyone agrees on that. What people don’t agree on is when the rapture will take place. There are 4 views on this.

The first is the Pre-Tribulation view. The Rapture will take place before the Tribulations (as portrayed by Left Behind, Tribulations, and the handout that James provided us). Before the 7 years, we will fly up to the sky to meet the Lord. Then everything will happen. Then we may be asked, how do we know this? 2 main reasons. Firstly, we, having been forgiven of our sins, cannot be suffering God’s wrath, and thus will not undergo tribulations. Secondly, they say that Rev 4:1-2, about John being taken up to heaven is symbolic of the rapture. Pastor Mark does not like this view that much, as it is quite a weak view/reasoning.

The second is the Mid Tribulation View. This means that the rapture will happen after the 3.5 years.

The third is the Post Tribulation View. This is the mainline Church view. Basically, we will be “kept from the hour” by God’s protection. Will go through all the tribulations though (sobs)

The fourth is a newer view. It says that the rapture will happen sometime in the later 3.5 years. First, there will be Satan’s wrath (that is, persecution). Then, there will be the rapture. Then, the wrath of God (bowls, angels, seals, trumpets) will be poured out. Pastor said that he personally felt the 3rd and 4th to be high possibilities.

Then we also see that the Wrath of God seem to have many things. Bowls, angels, seals, trumpets… Are they at the same time or one after another. It could be at the same time, and be descriptions of the same event in different views or greater detail. I am not too sure about the reasoning for this though.

The reason it is so hard to put an order is that Revelation is not so nicely ordered. We see that they first talk about the seals and trumpets. Then John jumps back to the Mother (representing Israel) and the Child (representing Christ). Then he goes back to the wrath of God. Furthermore, the word rapture or the event is not found in Revelation, and is only found in 2 other places in the Bible. So we don’t know when.

That’s as far as the end time goes. No doctrine can really prove the other wrong. But Revelation is more than that. It is written to tell us that it Will happen. How, when, we might not be so sure. But it will happen. We must be prepared for it.

Personal Notes:

Hope that this is an accurate representation of what Pastor Mark had said. Not totally complete, but I hope I got the main points.

To Sly-Vyn: Hope this helps. Hope it is understandable.

To everyone: Whee, I had fun. Hope you all had too. The Lord be with you.

I had looked through these passages and personally found it very difficult to identify which is the parallel time periods between Daniel and Revelation. Me want know. Matthew 24 also quite hard to piece together. But the important thing is to walk with God, and trust in Him, and to be prepared when he comes again.

look how much you've grown!!

anyway, I was looking through the pictures at the 'pictures' section (DUH.......), and I'm like 'WOW.... look how different you look now!!!' Especially Sharon & Sujun!! You two look so different then!! and in a few years time, we'll all be adults already!.. It's exciting to watch someone grow & mature in the Lord, and at the same time, you're also maturing & growing... erhh.. a good analogy will be like a double-edged sword whereby you help your friend grow and yet you are sharpening yours! COOL ain't it!..

But I guess the most important thing is that we grow together and not let anyone fall behind... we're all accountable for each other! All of us have a BIG part to play irregardless of whether you're studying, studying overseas, working or working part-time! (that pretty much includes everyone!)

So let's pick each other up, and go! DO NOT LOOK TO THE LEFT OR THE RIGHT, BUT ONLY IN THE DIRECTION WHERE GOD IS POINTING YOU TO! and if anything should go wrong, you all know where & how to find each other right?????????......

Monday, November 06, 2006


Let me start with myself first! Well, I just finished my exams and really thank God for bringing me through this really tough period, and of course, not forgetting all your well-wishes! I'm looking for a temp-job now so if any of you have 'lobangs', must let me know ok?! Oh yah, I'll be planning a cell get-away soon! So stay tuned and expect the unexpected! 'Coz we'll be having fun!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO...... and by the way, we haven't completed week 5 yet because some of you were not there during the last MasterLife session, so we'll do it together next week!

Cyrus - How is your stomach man? See you next week!

Sylvyn - You have been working on sunday for the past two weeks! Take care, we'll be here for you no matter what happens.

Melanie - So how are your papers? NAILED THEM ALL???.. let us know ok!

Mao - Sorry buddy! I'll call you on wednesday to OFFICIALLY start our phone prayer thingy! errhhh... ooops.... hahahahhaa

Sharon - How are your school work? Call us anytime if you need to de-stress or to hang out! I also don't mind eating sushis & sashimis!

Sujun - How is work? All work and no play will make sujun a dull girl! Have fun sometimes! We won't mind joining you 'ya know??..

Ping Hong - Where have you been?!.. Let us know can?? We're getting worried!

Wei Wei - How are things with your family?? If you need someone to talk to, feel free to call anyone of us ok?? We all love you like our own!

BUT..... there's still one more person... Lichang... let's all pray that he'll be back with us... remember, we are all accountable to God for all of us!!


Seems like people whom you talk to can be classified according to these.

1) The Interested. This is of course the best people to share to. They will ask questions, listen to you talk, and are really interested. I have no idea why, but I don’t seem to meet many of them. Among this group, there are those who are interested in the religion and there are those who are interested in finding out meaning for life etc. The first group are more like researchers who are finding out more about a new topic. The later are the searchers.

2) The reverse “Apologist”. This is the type that would reason with you. They would argue, find reasons against. I seem to encounter these people more than any other type. The good news is that they are usually reasonable. I personally think that most of these arguments are only a screen for not wanting to believe. Not always, but sometimes. I also think that reasoning with them is not enough. It cannot produce faith in God. It can only remove obstacles to faith in God. Somehow, I don’t think I had ever convinced people about the reality of God despite doing fairly well in taking down arguments against God.

3) The obstinate. These are the people who do not want to hear about God, and will not reason with you. I have no idea why either. Thankfully, I rarely meet these people.

4) The polite listener. They will just listen to you politely, without commitment or much comments. They may or may not agree with what you are saying. Either way, they will not do much.

Then, I am faced with this interesting question. Who should I talk to? If I look into the New Testament, obviously Peter did not ask permission to speak before he gave the sermon where 3000 people were saved. So, some may say that we should just talk to anyone. But there is a problem. I have a friend who says that she is repelled by Christianity because they are so pushy. They drag people to church. That is a reason for them not to believe in Jesus. It sort of confirmed what I heard from another friend of mine, who said that Street evangelism has this disadvantage, in that the people may not really be interested, and they may be repelled by this sort of pushy evangelism. If I must, I will also cite the example of Jesus in his hometown, where he did not perform many acts because the people were not receptive. Then again, people need the Lord whether or not they want Him. But it is also written “do not cast pearls to the pigs”. I don’t know. Previously, I talk to anyone. But hearing this, I do not know.

By the Lord’s grace, type 2, 3 and 4 can become type 1 people. I had seen a couple of these cases and they are always very encouraging. I think that this is the reason why “life testimony” is very important. Sometimes, it is the light shining forth and the good deeds of Christian that cause people to glorify God. But the reverse is also true. There are some people who cite the Bad deeds done by Christians in the name of God as reasons for why they do not believe in God. The worse thing is that I cannot say that these are false, because they are true.

I also realize that when I talk to people, I had never done the last part before. I don’t dare to ask people if they want to accept Christ as their Lord and savior even if they seem to be very interested. But it is possible to argue that without that, at least for the time being, the testimony is not very useful.

Personality type also comes into the picture. There are those who reason and there are those who deem it sufficient to believe. It appears to me that they require different treatment. I belong to the former. As such, I had to work quite hard not to go into all the reasons I believe (evidences of resurrection, number of manuscripts, prophecies etc) when talking to the later type of people. To these people, it is probably more important to tell them about the need for a savior, about sin, about the All Powerful God. Actually, when talking to those who need reason and evidences (for everyone actually, but more so for the first group of people), I think that what is required is clear evidences of a God. Evidences about the Bible may seem true but distant. A miracle would be better. But that is in God’s hands.

Prayer is important. Pray after you talk if you don’t have the chance to pray before you talk (like when it suddenly pounce on you).

I planted the seed, Apollo watered it, but God made the seed grow.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

All I Ever Really Needed to Know, I learned In Kindergarden

Good Morning Everyone! Watch out for the inaugural post from me! Cracking my brains on what to enter for my first entry...Hmm...Well, here's something meaningful to share with all of you out there.

Title: All I Ever Really Needed to Know, I learned In Kindergarden(by Robert Fulghum)

Most of what I really need to know about how to live, and what to do, and how to be, I learned in kindergarden. Wisdom was not at the top of the graduate school mountain, but there in the sandbox at nursery school.These are the things I learned: Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you're sorry when you hurt someone. Wash your hands before you eat. Flush. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you. Live a balanced life. Learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.Take a nap every afternoon.

When you go out into the world, watch for traffic, hold hands, and stick together. Be aware and wonder. Remember the little seed in the plastic cup. The roots go down and the plant goes up and nobody really knows how or why, but we are all like that.Goldfish and hamstars and white mice and even the little seed in the plastic cup - they all die. So do we.

And then remember the book about Dick and Jane and the first word you learned, the biggest word of all: LOOK. Everything you need to know is in there somewhere. The Golden Rule and love and basic sanitation, ecology and politics and sane living.Think of what a better world it would be if we all, the whole world, had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap. Or if we had a basic policy in our nation and other nations to always put things back where we found them and clean up our own messes. And it is still true, no matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it is still best to hold hands and stick together.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Every time I Pray

I will come to you in Prayer
I will seek your face
I will stand within the gap
There will I interceed

For every time I pray,
I move the hands of God;
My prayers does the things,
My hands cannot do

For every time I pray,
Mountains are removed
The paths are made straight
And Nations turn to you

I am weak and helpless Lord
You my strength shall be
Guide me with your gracious hands
There will my victory be

For every time I pray,
I move the hands of God;
My prayers does the things,
My hands cannot do

For every time I pray,
Mountains are removed
The paths are made straight
And Nations turn to you