Surgery for my knee...

In June 2006, i injured my left knee while playing basketball after training hours in my camp. I went to NUH and they did a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Radionuclide Imaging (RI) on my knee and found out that my Anterior Cruciate Ligament (see figure) has snapped.
In addition, they also found a neoplasm of unspecified nature in my femur. Hence removal of the weird thing in my bone and a bone graft was done on August 15 after NDP. I took 2mths to recover, while doing physiotheraphy.
However, the snapped ACL has not been joined yet because as a result of the bone graft, the condition of my femur is unsuitable for ACL reconstruction at that point of time. Hence, the doctor told me that i can do the recon 6 mths after August. Therefore, on the 22nd of February, i am going for ACL reconstruction.
After this surgery, i would be able to take part in more strenuous activities but have to be more cautious. After 2 mths i can walk again and go study in NTU. By the way, they analysed the neoplasm and found that it was just an active but non-lethal bone tumor.
I thank God that he has been watching over me. Had i not injured my knee, i wouldnt have done the scans and found the bone tumor and removed it completely. It is miracle, praise be to God.
P.S. if u have any qns pls sms me
P.P.S my hp number is still 91641850
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