Blue Peter
This is going to be one super duper long post, so get out your snacks and prepare to read... if you want to
Hello everyone! I am back from 10 days of Korea. It had been an exciting and fun time, but I am also quite happy to be back.
Although I am there for 10 days, the course is effectively only 8 days, with 1 day of Seoul (shopping ;)). Of the 8 days, the first is the setting up of the base camp, the second is experiential, the third is basic navigation, the fourth is a solo session, the fifth to seventh is an expedition, and the last is the wrap up and cultural exchange. But I am going too fast. Let me bring you all back to the beginning.

The worse part about cooking is the washing up. We have to wash up in the cold cold water. That wasn’t very nice. But later, we learnt an alternative method of washing. Not very nice, but better than cold water. Its known as alpine washing. Basically, you pour hot water into your mess tin, and wash it, and then drink it up. Yucks. But we did it anyway.

Abseiling. Quite far down. But very nice view on the way.
One interesting thing is that we didn’t have lunch for all 8 days. We were constantly on the move, so all we had was snacks.
On the night of Day 2, we had a sharing session. We shared on the topic River of our Life. I remember sharing about the journey towards perfection and how it was full of distractions from the larger and easier ways which lead not to our purpose. Knew more about people there, but couldn’t remember that much. Most people shared about their families.

At night, we had a review on the day. Team Batman actually managed to get all 3 checkpoints. Apparantly, we missed one of them which we just hanging beside us, and all of us missed it. My goodness. I was appointed to be one of the 3 people to give an account of our day and our learning points. That was quite an experience. I had little planning and just went there to speak. Fortunately, it went fairly well.

I was the leader for that day together with Fung. And since the next day was the expedition, we had to plan for it. So at night, we went to distribute the food and lamps and stuff. That went quite well, thanks to Fung. He conducted the whole session.

The picture on the top shows bacon. As you know, bacon is full of fats. So we had the oil in a mess tin. The next day it froze up and we used it to fry eggs. Yum.
Day 5 was the beginning of our expedition. From here, we would leave the base camp and go up a few mountains and stay overnight somewhere else. Initially, we were supposed to go by the route of Odaesan National Park and stay over at a mountain shelter. However, when we got there, the route was closed because of storm forecast. As such, we had to go by an alternative route.
I was the navigator from this day onwards. It was amazing that we didn’t get lost, considering that I only have skill on a route or trail and the snow covered the whole route. There were times when I didn’t know where we were. So we just went on forward. Thank God it was the right route. It was extremely stressful to have to lead everyone. What if I was wrong? And indeed, on the second day of the expedition, I missed a turn and we had to go by a longer way. Good thing that was not fatal. Thank God for pulling me through the whole thing. It was even worse on the third day where the trainers were not with us. But in the end it was alright.

(Top) The bagpack was super heavy. So much so that even I could not carry it up with ease. So they taught was a method of carrying it, such that the smallest girl (Janice) could carry up the largest bag-pack (Reggie’s). It worked quite well.
This is the intended ending point. Just look at all the snow. Happy to see it? Certainly. But not for long.The snow was deep enough that the car got stuck here. We had to help to pull it out.

Still quite cheerful though, so that was nice

For dinner, we had one of those self heating packs. Just mix everything up and pour water. It was very nice. But it got very cold. Remember I said the temperature was only a little above 0 for most of the time? On the mountain, it is never above 0. In fact, in the 3 days of the expedition, the first night had temperatures hitting almost –20 and the second had the minimum temperature of –29. Very very cold.
But at night, we survived by being in the dining tent, and singing songs. There were soulful songs as well as dirty songs (tsk tsk. Don’t like). But there were better songs as well such as Pass it On, Top of the World, and Prince of Egypt as well as part of One Way. There were also childish songs such as Father Abraham and Eldewise. I was actually called on to sing a solo. That was a new experience. Sang Colors of the Wind. We actually made the place so warm that it smoked on the outside.
Water supply was from the river. It was almost frozen over, but not yet. Boiling water was most of the cooking we had to do. That was long and boring.

Snow was knee deep. Hard work ploughing through it.

Well, eventually, we had to turn back without reaching the summit because it was getting quite late. Unless we wanted to trek in the dark. So we stopped by to take a group picture at this little thing. Whatever that was.

Day 7, the third day of the expedition. Mostly the same, except that we are all alone. We ourselves have to deal with everything. I have to make sure we don’t get lost. And the weather forecast said that there would be wind. And guess what? I thank God who held the wind back. The trainer said that it was an anormality. We were very fortunate not to have the wind!! It was very significant since the wind would make everything worse. I was already so stressed and tired from breaking the snow and navigating. If there was the wind… But the Lord held it back, and we had a very smooth journey, reaching the final checkpoint with 2 hours to spare. Our group was also fortunate enough that everyone was quite well. The other group had 3 people falling ill and had to be evacuated. I have no idea how. Probably a chopper.

So on Day 8, we proceed back to our base camp. But on the way, we stopped by 3 places to see the Korean Cultural stuff. The first was a beach. They said was very famous in winter. The sea is the East Sea.

This is the chairman of OBK. He was nice enough to drive 3 hours to the camp to see us at the beginning, and now he is seeing us at the end again. He shared dinner with us. He is a Christian. He requested that we say grace for dinner. So I did. That was very nice. We also suspect that he treated us for the next day’s hotel and dinner, which were super luxurious. After dinner, we had more entertainment. Guess what? I sang again. This time, there was another singer from the other group who sang with me. We sang Colors of the Wind again, You Raise me Up, and Prince of Egypt. Super nice. But these were the more soulful songs. The later songs were more crappy (sorry, but I really think they lack depth, most of them).

And so here I am , back in Singapore.
This trip had been very nice experientially. I got to know more people and experience mountain climbing. I think I managed to fulfil one of my aims to be a light to the people. I thank God for giving me opportunities in the sharing sessions and in songs and in personal and life testimony. We did manage to have a devotion together on the last night as well. Just 3 of us, but it was quite something. Did a passage from Malachi which I prepared. Also managed to talk to a few people about Christianity.
The only complain I have would be the cost. But now, it is well worth it. It is still expensive, but I enjoyed myself throughally.
If you had managed to read everything, well done. Sorry for the super long post.
The full photos can be found on this website:
The small version of the movie pictures can be found on this page: better version (higher quality, slower download can be found here:
Peace be with you.
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