Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bad Press

Somehow, I have this feeling that the mass media is giving Christianity a bad press recently, explictly or otherwise.

Let me cite 3 recent examples.

Last Saturday, if you would remember the featured article, it was about the growing religiousity of Singaporeans. One of the important negative consequence which they derived from this was that there would be a reduced common space. Now, I am quite unable to comment on whether it is negative or whether it is a consequence; what I am able to say is that they make it sound like people should not do this. This was one reason which they cited for not allowing a room for prayer in a certain school. They felt that we are free to do whatever we want outside of schools but there should be maximal common space in the school iteself. I don't know about you, but somehow I don't feel like being a part time Christian.

Another thing. I hope that the leader's views on other religion (can't remember if it is Dr Robert Solomon or some other person) is not what they portray it to be. As far as I know, we are not called to merely be tolerant of other religion. We are called to correct them lovingly and kindly.

There was an article by Times "When not Seeing is Believing". One of the main messages that it carried forward is that the fundamentalists are wrong in believing that we can know God fully. This gives the impression that they claim that, when in reality, we do not. What we do believe is that God's Words (the Bible) are true and that He alone is God. Reducing Christianity merely to a set of things we do (love and forgive) is nonsense. Reducing Jesus to a mere moral teacher is blasphemy. This is not humility. At best, it is being ignorant of what we believe in. At worst, it is rebellion.

The third is today's Sunday Times. On the front page of Lifestyle is this article about the Taoist Deity who is able to give people 4D numbers. It may be true, but how am I supposed to convince people that this is done by false Gods? It will draw more people away.

This post is not meant to be a critical analysis on the articles and to find out the logical fallacies. I had not done that. I just wanted to give an idea of how the press had been against us.

All prophecised. Hold tight. The end is near.


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