Saturday, December 29, 2007


Okay.. I will blog something more personal for once =p

Since the beginning of December, I had hardly had a day when I didn't have something to do despite not having school.. Not that I am complaining - certainly I am not, it had been a most wonderful time ^_^

Lets start with camp Ifaith. It was an excellent camp.. My first night walk experience, my second tightrope experience, my first shouting/jumping/laughing in front of people experience, one of the few times I played in the rain, breaking specs while playing.. They are really new experiences. Of course, much more importantly, I loved the worship and the sessions. At some of the worships, I felt that I could really concentrate. And this is certainly different from the usual worship where I would be quite distracted.. And of course, I loved doing the kid's actions for some of the songs. Kinda miss them.. and we usually don't do the actions that much in usual service.. And the sessions.. I loved the teachings. In fact, if I have a complain, it would be that the teaching was too short =p The exegesis was detailed and deep. And challenging. Any sense of pride that I may have (like, oh, all these I know and practice already) were swept away. I cannot honestly say that I practice them. Risk, pain, faith, silence..

After that was Bible Trail organized by Youth for Christ. Its an annual thing. Honestly, I think it was totally different (the style, and even sometimes, the teaching). But it was reconcilable, so that was not a problem. I liked Isaiah 6 and the way the passage was expounded on. Hearing God's voice in spite of subjectivity, problems and uncertainty.. Important in order to live a Christian life that is guided by God.

And following that.. Vietnam!! Hahaha. There was this sense that with Friends, Food, Drinks, Scenery, and Emmanuel.. What else would one want? Hanoi was okay, but Sapa was super Impressive. Went to Cloud Yard and Heaven's Gate (True, they are just names..) The view was super nice there. And there were quite a lot of flowers. The place is excellent for people like me who like to walk =p Because we walked alot there. Ever had the experience? Walk for long distance, then sit down and eat and drink something.. It is one of the best experiences (I think) that one can find on this side of eternity.. Hehe. Hope you all like Green bean paste ;)

Then house moving.. 3 things I like about the new house. Firstly, I get my own room. Secondly, I can grow plants. And thirdly, the things there, especially food is cheap ^_^

Yup. 2007 is closing soon.. Had many nice memories.. Thanks to everyone who had made a positive impact ;)


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